Feb 6, 2014

10 Things I'm Hoping For When The Walking Dead Returns

Hey Everyone!
We have survived the mid finale break and have a little more than 2 days to wait until The Walking Dead returns. YAY! So, I thought I would make a list of the things I'm hoping will happen in the second half of the 4th season. I know quite a few people have lost interest in the show during the first half simply because, it was slow and felt like we weren't really getting anywhere up until the last 3 episodes. I held on because, I couldn't wait for the Gov's return and wanted to know who was BBQ-ing the sick folks in the prison. Which I believe Carol is covering up for someone..okay, Lizzie and yes, that means I think that small child has some hidden crack head strength. This is not a speculation post but, more of a personal wish list so I will quit spewing theories and get started.



1. Bring Carol Back!

They've spent so much time expanding this character and allowed us to see her growth from a battered woman to a strong heroin only to kick her out of the group! Bad decision Rick! Although I understand he was probably saving her life by giving her the boot since Tyrese would've probably killed her. I want to see what Carol has been up to since being shunned from the prison. Not to mention I am a sucker for the cutesy flirtation that her and Daryl often share. Has she met another group? Is she a total survivalist badass now? Has she thrown anymore human bonfires? Or is she even guilty of burning the first? I need answers!

2. Stay on the road awhile.

We've now had 2 seasons of them settling in what our group believes is a safe haven..for the time being anyway. It get's a bit tiresome after a while. I mean being at the prison for 1 1/2 seasons? It got old fast and I'm glad it was destroyed. I want to see the group continue to overcome or battle obstacles while on the run. It'll give the show a freshness that we all know needs to happen.

3. Keep the group scatter to a minimum.

Hopefully the group will not be spread apart for too long. Don't get me wrong, I want to see at least 2 episodes where the group is split and I get to feel their struggle but, to stretch in out past that would be too much. I like the group dynamic and now that Hershel is dead I want to see who's going to step up to the role of the moral compass. Tyrese? And that segues into my next hope.

4. More Tyrese.

Tyrese, the tortured teddy bear has been a great addition to the group so far. He was introduced in the middle of a struggle and while we were hinted at a possible love triangle we never got the details. Tyrese is a pretty level headed guy considering the situation he's faced with. That was until he lost Karen and snapped. Which gave me the impression that he has a much darker past that we haven't been shown yet and I want some backstory damn it!

5. DO NOT resurrect the Governor!

I repeat DO NOT resurrect the Gov! I enjoyed his story arc and the growth we got to witness from his character. And while he was a great Big Bad I believe it'd be beating a dead horse to have him miraculously survive a katana and gunshot wound just to stalk the group again. Uhh uhh. I want to see a new antagonist but, not one fighting with Rick over property maybe some twisted freak who kills for the thrill and plays cat and mouse with our survivors. Watch out there's a walker! Oh shit!now there's a group of murdering psychopaths chasing us! Intense. Make it happen.

6. End this relationship.

Okay, Maggie just lost her father and I know she'll need Glen for support when they eventually meet up again. Buuut, I am tired of these two together. I really don't know what to say about it besides OVER IT!

7. Make Carl less bratty.

Carl has definitely humbled some in the first half of this season but, I'm really hoping Judith's death doesn't send him back down the spoiled brat express. He needs to allow this to show him that both he and Rick need to buck up and be strong for each other.

8. Happy Michonne.

Michonne has easily become my favorite character. I know she has spoken the least out of our main cast but, that's what makes her such a brooding, katana wielding, badass. Michonne can say more with a simple look than most people can talking your ear off for 30 minutes. One thing the first half of this season has showed us is a softer side of her. Making jokes, light flirtation with Rick, it was certainly nice to see her opening up to people and I'd love to see more of this!

9. Give the new characters more time.

Usually when we are introduced to new characters we know 9/10 of them will be killed off right away. I, personally am tired of this happening. Some of the fresh faces we've seen in the past were actually quite likeable and it sucks that they were ripped away so quickly. I suppose it gives their deaths a larger impact to get us to like them only to violently dismember them before our very eyes. I have heard that we are getting a new batch of survivors and I'm totally stoked but, I'd like to see some of the newbies survive at least longer than an episode.

10. More WALKERS!!

After all the show is centered around the Zombie Apocalypse! Not that we haven't seen any walkers in the first half but, I do feel as if our undead friends have been somewhat neglected so far this season. The illness in the prison was an interesting curveball but, people were not dying and turning as quickly as I would've liked. I need more walkers in my life!

Well, that wraps up my list of things I hope will happen during the back half of the fourth season. The Walking Dead returns this Sunday, February 9! Tune in and come back to check out my episode breakdowns of my fave moments and character memoriam. Thanks so much for checking out my list!

Bianca Isabelle

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