Feb 10, 2014

The Walking Dead Episode Breakdown: Season 4 Episode 9 After

The wait is finally over! The mid season premier of The Walking Dead happened last night and it was a great episode. If you missed it you may not want to read on because this post will be absolutely spoiler filled. If you don't care then be my guest!...

The season 4 mid season finale left us with some unanswered questions. Who survived? Where did the scattered members of the group end up? Will they reunite? Is the Gov-Phillip-Brian really dead? Is my tongue still blue from Ocean Water? Wait..What?.. Let's get back on track here. After a huge battle at the prison we didn't really know what was to come from that point and how exactly it would play out. At least I didn't. So let's breakdown Sunday nights episode.

Feb 6, 2014

10 Things I'm Hoping For When The Walking Dead Returns

Hey Everyone!
We have survived the mid finale break and have a little more than 2 days to wait until The Walking Dead returns. YAY! So, I thought I would make a list of the things I'm hoping will happen in the second half of the 4th season. I know quite a few people have lost interest in the show during the first half simply because, it was slow and felt like we weren't really getting anywhere up until the last 3 episodes. I held on because, I couldn't wait for the Gov's return and wanted to know who was BBQ-ing the sick folks in the prison. Which I believe Carol is covering up for someone..okay, Lizzie and yes, that means I think that small child has some hidden crack head strength. This is not a speculation post but, more of a personal wish list so I will quit spewing theories and get started.

Jan 2, 2014

My Most Anticipated Horror Movies of January 2014

Happy New Year Everyone!

Ahh it's a brand new year which means we have a brand new batch of movies to look forward to! Usually in the beginning of the year brings a good amount of scary movies as well as the DVD releases of the ones we enjoyed from the previous fall. I decided to make a separate list of the movies I am most looking forward to this upcoming year by month. So at the end of each month I will make a list accordingly for the following month. I am not listing these in order from most to least anticipated I am just listing them as they come to mind. I realize that I most likely will not be anticipating the same movies as others but, that's what makes entertainment so amazing it's subjective and always seems to cause good debate and conversation. Without further adieu, here are my picks for the films I can't wait to watch in January!


Dec 31, 2013

My Top Horror Movies of 2013

 With only one day left in the year I decided to do some reflecting on my life over the last 364 days. Since a huge part of my life is watching horror movies, how exciting right?? I wanted to make a list of the horror movies that I enjoyed the most this year. 2013 Hasn't been a year of major horror film releases in fact, it seems like most of our horror this year came from DVD releases. This list I've made is compiled of Theatrical, DVD, and VOD releases that I personally enjoyed throughout this year and are not in any particular order just going to be listing these in the order I think of them so here we go!

May 16, 2013

Riddick (2013) Update: May 16

Alright horror fans I've got some goodies for ya involving Riddick, the next installment in the Pitch Black series. They're all over the place! Here are some posters (one new, one old), synopsis, and a trailer. Riddick is set for a theatrical release on September 6. Ch-Ch-Check it out!